Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Making Your Online Webinar A Success By:Tom Cruz

When it comes to having an online webinar, you are definitely looking to make it a success. You have a specific purpose for your webinar, therefore, to achieve that purpose you must take the necessary steps to ensure that it is interesting, attention grabbing, and smooth running. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways you can make sure your online webinar is a smashing success.

The first thing you need to do is find out exactly what you hope to achieve with your event. What goals do you have for your webinar? Are you looking to educate people, such as prospective clients and current clients? Are you looking to increase your sales? Are you looking to increase potential leads? Are you looking to promote a brand new product for your company?

Identifying and establishing the goals you have for your webinar is the first step in making sure that your online webinar is a success.

Your second step is to choose your topic. You need this to be interesting, compelling, and attention grabbing. It is the first thing that any potential attendee will see; therefore, it has to be compelling enough to make sure that they want to take part in your online webinar.

Now you need to choose how you will present your webinar. Will you use a software program built specifically for webinars or will you use a webinar service? The choice is yours. There are many advantages and disadvantages to both sides, it is important to fully compare and learn the differences before you make your decision. When making your decision, make sure that your chosen product has everything you might need for your webinar, such as recording, question and answer sessions, chatting, and polling.

Now you should choose your speaker or speakers. These should be qualified speakers in the field of your topic. Make sure that they possess skills in speaking to others, have a clear and understandable voice, and you want someone that your audience will recognize. Often times, your speaker will be the one that draws the attendees. Therefore, you want to make sure it is a prominent and credible speaker.

You will now need to choose the time you wish to hold your event. The best times to have your webinar is mid afternoon. This will ensure that most time zones can attend the meeting. Also, the worst times to have your webinar is on a Friday or on a Monday. These are days that people are either just starting or just ending their week. This will be the times when people are less likely to attend.

The most reliable webinar service is called To read a detailed review visit

Make Your Webinar A Success By:Tom Cruz

If you are intending to have a webinar any time soon, you want to make sure that it is a great success. When your webinar is a success, you have a great chance of generating interested sales leads, which then leads to an increase in your sales. This is what you ultimately want right? An increase in sales? Of course it is, therefore, in this article we will show you some tips to ensure that you have a successful webinar.

Make Your Plan

You want to be sure that you have every aspect of your webinar planned out precisely. From start to finish you want to focus on the large details as well as the little ones. Be sure that you plan out what type of success you hope to have, how you will promote your webinar, what your budget is for the event, how people will register, any speakers you might want to set up, and schedules of the event.

By planning everything and writing it down on paper, you are more apt to follow through and have a seamless webinar process.


You want to make sure that you get the contact information of any person who will or might attend your event. This means you need to grab their email addresses in some creative way, either through an informational source about the webinar or the actual sign up process.

Promotion Is Key

Without promotion who will possibly know about your webinar? If you do not tell anyone, they will not know. Therefore, you need to branch out and do some advertisement. However, you first need to understand your targeted audience. Who are you reaching out to? How will this help them? Will your webinar solve a problem and fill a need? When advertising, use various messages, get creative, and find out what brings the most attention.

Schedules Matter

If you are having your webinar at 2:00 in the morning, who do you expect to come? If you are seeking an international audience, this may be a good time, but for your local or national audience it likely will not be. It is best to schedule your webinar at a time when you can get the largest audience. Generally, mid afternoons are best, as well as Tuesday or Wednesday.

Make It Interesting

An interesting webinar will grab and keep your audience's attention. Remember, you have a lot of things to compete against, when it comes to their attention. These things include work, telephone, the internet, email, pets, children, and family. You have to make sure that you are providing real, solid, and interesting information to keep their attention.

By understanding what makes a successful webinar you are better equipped in ensuring that your webinar is a success.

The most reliable webinar service is called Gotowebinar. To read a detailed review visit