Thursday, December 20, 2007

Come Ready For Your Conference Call By:Ajeet Khurana

Conference calls are just like any other meetings that you may have in your office. Whether you are sitting face to face with your employees or your clients or on a conference call with them, the same basic etiquette will apply.

When conducting professional meetings in your office or in your conference hall, sitting face to face with the participants, you prepare meticulously for the discussion. Well, conference call meetings should be dealt with in a similar way. A conference call is usually set up between two or more people, who are seated geographically apart from each other.

With business offices spread across the world, conference calls have facilitated the way in which companies hold meetings with their employees and customers, without requiring their physical presence at the meeting hall. This in turn has resulted in huge savings for enterprises, as there is no travel to the destination of the meeting, and no hotel accommodation charges, amongst others.

Conference calls used in professional meetings are very different from personal telephone calls, or one to one conversations with colleagues. It is to be remembered that conference calls are considered to be meetings that are as formal as the meetings that you have with customers in your office.

It is a business tool that has etiquette of its own, which must be followed at every step of your participation. While you attend conference calls, you need to be as courteous and professional throughout the call as you would be in face to face meetings.

Your attitude in attending conference calls is a direct reflection of your professionalism, and of your ability to make presentations to others. Every time you attend a conference call, you should be well prepared for the discussion, and should be ready with all relevant documents that you will require before walking into the meeting. As you prepare yourself, it is wise to test the conference system, and make sure that your microphone and other equipment are working and that the volume has been set right.

Make sure that you do not multi-task while you attend conference call meetings. You should keep pace with the flow of the discussion without diverting your mind to something else that is not related to the meeting. You can always take notes on paper or on your laptop, ensuring that not too much noise emerges from the keyboard. In conference calls, ideas are shared, and if you do not actively participate in the discussion, you will not be remembered as being a participant at that meeting.

Conference call services may be outsourced and can also be implemented in-house. The technology typically uses conference phones or VOIP systems. If you are hiring these services for your conference calls, you would have to designate the date and time of the meeting that you would want to hold.

You will be assigned with a group dial-in number, and also with a password through which you can access the conference network at the date and time that has been set for you. When you outsource, you do not need any special equipment, systems, or special phones for your conference call.

For conference call planning, compare conference calls, then visit us for conference calls.

Choosing a Good Conference Call Provider By:Ajeet Khurana

As communication needs become more critical, the conference call becomes a solution. Yet, conferences quickly lose their value if not done properly though. It becomes essential to find providers who will offer good service at low prices. The process can be very confusing though, and anyone should benefit greatly from a few simple tips.

First and foremost, you need to ensure that you will have good support from your conference call provider. Find a provider who is known for good customer service. Many larger businesses sacrifice customer service quality in order to keep prices low, but it isn't worth it in the long run. In the hope of saving a few dollars, you could be messing up major deals due to delays in getting the call in order.

Second, look for a provider who is keen to please. Ask him for the latest developments in the conferencing world. In particular, you should make sure that you are getting a nice VoIP connection. This somewhat advanced technology is the version that actually allows virtual meetings through conference calls, as opposed to the old static-filled speaker conversations.

Third, don't just get any package. See what technology your company is using. If possible, you should try and buy a plan that allows for instant messaging through a secure web conference setting. It is even better if you can get a secured storage center that will allow your employees to share necessary files with each other over a secure line. Clients in general would be happy with your efforts at protecting their info, even if there is nothing worth protecting.

The technology that they offer is also a great gauge for the true quality of the provider. How advanced are they with the equipment that they use? You will preferably seek a company that offers the latest technologies to its customers, since this service will be much more likely to led the way in advances and make sure that you remain on the cutting edge.

Fourth, price shouldn't be the deciding factor, but you also have to make sure that you aren't going to be overcharged for your standard use of the line. When you are choosing a package, try not to go in for one where you pay on the basis of time. A major business doesn't need its employees counting the minutes during a major discussion with a client. A good provider should offer an option to just let you establish a set number of users with effectively unlimited use of the internet and phone connections for a reasonable monthly fee.

Fifth, ensure that your service provider is a genuine one. Just because a provider says that they are global doesn't mean that they really are. Ideally, you should look for a package deal with a provider with a worldwide network. Then they could offer real assistance in the event of any communication issues. It is at least worth a few phone calls or internet searches to see if they really have as wide reaching of a network as they claim.

The next time that you have to go shopping for a conference package, keep these pointers in mind. You should soon be able to make the best choice for your organization.

Audio conferencing can save time and money. Learn about conference calls in general and audio conferencing in specific.

Conference Calls Help Businesses Grow By:Ajeet Khurana

Conference calling systems have provided business organizations with the advantage of bringing together their customers and employees. At the same time, it is saving them costs as well.

Conference calls have long been aiding organizations with their business operations. They have been helping in getting together key persons from faraway places into virtual conferences to discuss matters of mutual interest. There are occasions where meetings are conducted via conference calls, in which different people from distant places can come together on a common platform to discuss and take decisions about business matters.

The advantages of conference calls are many. The conference call brings a group of diverse people together to attend presentations and gain new information, enabling them to put through their questions in real time.

In the present day, the Internet has opened up the conference calling facility for practically anyone who would like to join. Earlier there was only restricted access to this facility. At times it also involved long distance call charges. The Internet has provided the facility to bring down the cost of such calls. As a result, these calls have been made available to a variety of medium and small companies.

With the advent of modern technology, affordable conference calling systems have introduced a change in the way business used to be done before. It has changed the previous ways of communication, and the state-of-the-art technology in audio and video systems has improved our lives to a very great extent.

The broad benefits of conference calls are briefly mentioned below:

* Conference calls help organizations to take faster decisions on matters of business operations. Thus, they help in saving a lot of valuable time.

* Conference calls help an organization to be in touch with their customers and employees all over the world at a click of a button. Hence, they save on the costs that the organization would otherwise have incurred.

* On a non-business level, conference calls help to keep family members in touch, with individuals joining the call to have a chat.

* In the medical field, audio video technology has brought in advantages in patient care, where the patient can consult the doctor from a faraway place without visiting him. There are situations when conference calls bring in specialist doctors from all over the world together to discuss and decide upon critical patient matters.

Conference call services are being offered by many service providers. Small businesses are one of the biggest beneficiaries. It is very affordable for them to set up customized calling systems. To set up an affordable plan, you would need to shop around for the best calling rates that you can get, and also for the types of plan that are being offered by various providers.

You would then be able to select the one that suits your application requirement within the budget that you have to set for the system. Before you go for shopping, you would need to understand your requirement first. You would also need to do research on the kind of prices that are being offered for low cost conference calling systems.

For audio conferencing and enterprise web conferencing, visit us at Premiere conference call. We will get you connected!

Advantages Of Free Web Conference Room By:Ricky Lim

Free web conference room enables businesses to communicate with clients and customers. Free web conference room are available with multimedia firms that specialize in Internet marketing and enable businesses to gain access to customers and clients around the world. In order to decide upon a convenient web conference room it is necessary that one should have technical feasibilities in terms of the web camera, visual display unit(VDU) and the audience that the web conference room can accommodate.

Web conferencing

Web conferencing enables people to communicate through the Internet about business objectives. It cuts through the barrier of time and space, and proves to be an innovative technology by bringing businesses together in the era of globalisation.

Web conferencing enables people to communicate over the Internet. At a particular broadband speed of at least 256kbps, a business can stroll through high speed streaming videos. The technology need in a free web conference room is a web camera, connection to the Internet and a visual display unit. Since the visual of the individuals that one is communicating to going to be displayed on a screen, a large screening is needed to enable individuals to view the contents on the screen.

Some of the advantages of web conferencing can be stated as follows

- Enhanced business processes: In a globalized world it is necessary to be in touch with associates and clients so as to facilitate business processes. This web conferencing saves businesses considerable amount and money.

- Market accessibility: Instead of sending business associates around the world, one business can update clients and customers through web conferencing.

Free web conference room enable businesses to cut the cost of management and communications. These web conference rooms are available by an agreement among business associates in a particular industry to share the resources. For example organizations specializing in IT can reach an agreement to share web conference rooms that will be available for free.

Discover the best free web conference rooms online. Visit Ricky's web based conferencing site to learn more.